Lunch Roulettes
Celebrating our region’s trailblazers
Each Lunch Roulette has inspired our members to become agents of action and progress. We appreciate our guests sharing their personal and professional journeys in a small and conversational setting.
Past Roulette Guests
Robert Holguin
Anchor, KFOX14
“The way media is consumed has evolved.“
Jim Senter
Vice President/Director of Athletics, UTEP
“You can't cheat the process. Embrace the process.“
Jon Barela
CEO, Borderplex Alliance
“Aspire to be the best - no excuses.“
Richard Castro
Owner, Castro Enterprises
“Secret to success: positive attitude, mental strength, and good work ethics.”
Gerald Cichon
CEO, Housing Authority of the
City of El Paso
“We are a housing program that is doing the best for our poorest people of our community.”
Bryan Crowe
CEO and General Manager, Destination El Paso
“Relationships are most important, always take the high road.”
Ed Escudero
President and CEO,
High Desert Capital
“My trajectory to success is the 3Gs: puro ganas, grit, and generosity.”
Rick Francis
Chairman and CEO,
WestStar Bank
“Learn when to say yes and learn when to say no.”
Leonard “Tripper” Goodman, III
President and CEO,
Goodman Financial Group
“The ultimate is the gratification of giving.“
Rosa Guerrero
Founder, International Folklorico
Dance Group
“I was born in El Paso, I was raised in El Paso and I will die in El Paso because El Paso is my home.”
Woody Hunt
Senior Chairman of the Board of Directors, Hunt Companies
“I am driven by three Ws: wealth, wisdom, & work.”
Tracey Jerome
Deputy City Manager, City of El Paso
“Always say yes and take every opportunity you can.”
Renard Johnson
“My guiding principals are Faith, Family & Friends.”
Mary Kipp
Former CEO, El Paso Electric
“Be able to articulate what you are most passionate about and have that be your guiding light.”
Dr. Richard Lange
President, Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center at El Paso
“Set your boundaries and your priorities. If you don't, someone else will.”
Crystal Long
“Every day is a new day and I wake up wondering what will I learn each day.”
Meyer Marcus
Owner and Chairman of the Board,
“It’s important to know who you want to be and it’s just as important to know who you don’t want to be.”
Adair Margo
El Paso’s First Lady
“Life is not a dress rehearsal.”
Dee Margo
El Paso Mayor
“We should behave like a national player”
Terry McGreehan
Former Vice President and General
Manager, ADP El Paso
“Focus on what you do best and follow that.”
Dr. Diana Natalicio
Former President, UTEP
“If you just do the status quo, it’s boring. If you push the edges a little bit, it's exciting and intellectually stimulating.”
Beto & Amy O’Rourke
Former U.S. Congressman and
CREEED Choose to Excel Director
“This is our moment and we should feel the pressure to shine.”
Dr. James Payne
Dean of the College of Business
Administration, UTEP
“Find out what you enjoy doing and the career path will reveal itself.”
Ricardo Samaniego
El Paso County Judge
“I believe wholeheartedly that you should be yourself because everybody else is already taken.”
Dr. William Serrata
President, El Paso Community College
“I just want everyone to have the opportunities I've had – and that wouldn't have happened without college.”
Marybeth Stevens
President, Better Business
Bureau Paso Del Norte
“You can make your own
happiness wherever you are.”
Nicholas Tejeda
Market Chief Executive Officer, The
Hospitals of Providence
“Learn how to tell a good story.”
Jim Ward
Musician & Philanthropist
“I’m a real big fan of failure.”
Joyce Wilson
CEO, Workforce Solutions Borderplex
“Push for a community agenda that forces us to set our sights bigger.”
Bob Wingo
Chairman, Sanders/Wingo
“Treat people the way you want to be treated. And, pay it forward.”
Laura Ponce
Executive Director, Project Bravo
Gaspar Enriquez
Chicano Texas Artist
David Chen and Katie Scott